Monday, October 6, 2008

"I just want carrots."

Today we went to the Imperial War Museum with Uncle SkibaDibaDoo and it was a very interesting and frightening place. Never have I seen such a conglomeration of large scale instruments of death. There were V2 rockets, the biggest shells ever made for the biggest guns ever made, images and looped video of death and destruction on three of the four floors, and in the midst of all of this wondrous joy there were at least 70 small school children running around all of these atrocities of humankind. Not my idea of an appropriate field trip for anyone who can be considered a child. I actually think I found an error in one of the exhibit write-ups about a shell that went to the biggest gun ever made.
I know I shouldn't be counting down the days until I leave this wonderful city but I can't help it. There's too much of me back home and too much that I need and miss. I know I can't do anything about it, and I know I need to enjoy my time here, and I'm trying really hard and I'm having a good time. But not being with a person who has the ability to make you happier than you ever thought you could be, when you've only known her for six months (in five days) just doesn't seem fair. It actually is one of the most frustrating things I've ever had to deal with. And for those of you who would like to try and give me advice on this I greatly appreciate it and respect your opinions but I'd rather not hear it.
This is for sure one of the most amazing experiences of my life and I've grown more in the past five weeks than I have in the past two years. I'm learning everywhere I go and in everything I do. New perspectives and ideas are being presented to me everywhere I look here
and I think I am taking advantage of as many opportunities here as I can, or atleast most of them.
But at the same time my mind can't stop running in circles. One of the most intense feelings of helplessness I've ever experienced.
But that's all for today.

Brian Skiba with the Big Guns.

Hi Mom.

Gustav Shell

Read the weight. I asked one of the guys at the museum if that was the weight spec for the shell or the gun itself and he didn't know. What a dumb. I don't think that shell weighs over 1,000 tons.

Song of the Day

Luke Warm

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