Sunday, October 19, 2008

Colin's Down

Today was the usual Sunday, a lazy but entertaining and somewhat productive one. We went food shopping, ate pineapple, watched Disney's Alice In Wonderland, made a wonderful dinner consisting of guacamole a la Graham, finger lickin' chicken a la Dave, and I mashed up some taters. Skyping was obviously rampant throughout the day. I talked to a bunch of my family yesterday via the Skype and it was nice seeing them all except for the fact that Father Bear kept acusing me of being stoned. I argued with Grammie about how Sarah Palin is a demon who should be condemned to stay in Alaska forever. It made me miss home seeing everyone and then I realized this London thing is halfway through. It's going unnoticably fast but painfully slow. After dinner we watch another movie that was really good, Renaissance. Highly suggest it. Since then, 4 people have left our flat, two residents and two guests, and Dave Mountain and I are T - 12 hours away from the inception of Man Week. Mr. Mountain and myself will have 91 Park West to ourselves for roughly 5 days, if everyone's travel plans go as planned. Look at the pics.

Great Presentation.

Song of the Day
Fleet Foxes - Oliver James

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