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I have to do work tonight - studying for Islam and the West - while all my friends are around me drinking and being merry. Yay.
Today Helen and I did our Monday cleaning after a late night at Taylor's. David made spaghetti and meatballs for dinner and it was delicious. Meghan ate with us and it was funny. Boring picture below. I had the wonderful pleasure of talking with Mrs. Nelson and well as Phil Riegel and Jacob the Snake-ob on Skype and it was good to hear from them. We're now watching Good Will Hunting, drinking wine and procrastinating on our work. Not too shabby.
We watched the debate today after a late night at Zoo Bar. John McCain is too god damn old to be president. There is a 1/3 chance he will die in the next four years. He's also senile. Paul Newman died today. Rest in peace Cool Hand.
Still sick and cranky and annoying. Hopefully be better tomorrow. I don't know what else to write. Bye.
Braemore, Tytler Street, Forres,
Morayshire, IV36 1EL
Google Earth that.
Oct. 31st
Host Family.
Still sick.
Please bring me a shawarma TayTay.
Today Helen and I did out ritual Manic Monday Clean Sesh which succeeded in great, glorious clean flat-ing. We then relaxed for a bit and went grocery shopping. A delicious tapas dinner ensued after we arrived back home and all were content. We watched Persepolis after and have just been hanging out all night. The economy is making me nervous. As are hockey moms around the world and their plans to one day take over the world with their creationism and extremest 'pro-life' views. I folded Dave Mountain's laundry today. What an experience. The title of this post, by the by, refers to Digestives, a cookie that looks like the famed Hobnob, but its supposed to help you make a b.m. Helen was going to get a pack of Hobnobs tonight while shopping but then decided on Digestives because there was a great 2 packs for 2 pounds bargain! So we're fartin' up a storm here at 91 Park West. Until tomorrow.
Bit of a bush-league panorama from Royal Crescent in Bath that I put together
"This is unique, and the Fed has never done something like this before. If you go all the way back to 1921, when farms were failing and Congress was leaning on the Fed to bail them out, the Fed always said, ‘It’s not our business.’"
ALLAN MELTZER, a professor of economics at Carnegie-Mellon, on the expanding role of the Federal Reserve.

The Man with the Plan
Luke Warm
Went out to a club called Punk last night for Ms. Madison Brown's birthday. It was fun.
Prettay Flowas
Luke Warm
Went to Hyde Park again today to shoot the slalom rollerbladers and found 3 of the best guys in the UK which is pretty good for the photostory. The weather was amazing all day. Got some alright shots but nothing spectacular. Made some tasty dinner with Graham after a nap and watched a bit of Step Brothers. Bed time soon.
Took a trip to Camden today with Liz and Helen and had great light all day. Got a lot of reflection shots most of which don't really have a message but the compositions are somewhat interesting. I wrote this all out once then copied it and somehow lost it so I'm not writing everything I was going to. Sorry, its late and I'm lazy. Enjoy.
Legs Luke Warm